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  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/Pakistan-clients-to-visit-our-company.html

    Pakistan clients to visit our company

    2013-07-05 17:26      Browse: times

    Pakistan clients come to visit my company, the company warmly received, the two sides to communicate the industry experience,Pakistan customersPakistan generator industry was introduced in detail with us, for our products provide a lot of valuable advice, also very pleased with my company's products and services said, hope to establish long-term close partnership with us.


  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/596.html

    Customers come to visit my company guidance in Kenya

    2013-07-03 09:10      Browse: times

    On July 3, 2013, Kenyas customers in the company of the ministry of foreign trade manager, visited our company production workshop, testing center, rd center, etc.Very pleased with my company AVR and controller products. Customer took a group photo with the ministry of foreign trade manager in Kenya


  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/595.html

    Customers to visit our company in Kenya

    2013-07-03 09:08      Browse: times

    Customers to visit our company in Kenya


  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/597.html

    Spain customer visit

    2013-03-06 09:15      Browse: times

    Spain customer visit


  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/Taiwan-guests-to-visit-our-company.html

    Taiwan guests to visit our company

    2013-03-03 10:11      Browse: times

    Taiwan guests to visit our company


  • /Dynamic_company/Foreign_clients/598.html

    Customers come to visit my company in Pakistan

    2012-10-04 09:19      Browse: times

    Customers come to visit my company in Pakistan


Dongguan Tuancheng automation equipment Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.
Sales Phone: 86-769-23162896 Fax:86-769-23162896-609、23166296